Wellbeing Activities for New Parents

Wellbeing Activities for New Parents

Staying healthy in both body and mind can sometimes fall to the bottom of our agenda. The demands and stresses of everyday life can often lead us to forget about the simple pleasures, the ones that that boost our health and our happiness. 

There is no doubt that pregnancy  can be a really challenging time, both emotionally and physically, and feeling good is not just important for ourselves but also baby too! So to mark World Wellbeing Week 2020 (22nd June - 26th June) here is a little round-up of activities and tips for you to do which should keep you healthy and  lift your spirits during pregnancy and beyond... 


A simple but effective way to release the mental and emotional stresses of pregnancy. Walking is good for everyone and pregnant women certainly dont miss out on the wonders it does for both body and mind. What better place to clear your head, collect your thoughts and breath in the fresh air than the great outdoors? Pregnant women dont need to break the bank for a gym membership and neither do new parents. Taking your new baby for regular strolls outside is a great activity for you both to do! 


Yoga has seen a huge climb in demand over the last few years and we can certainly see why! Pregnancy yoga, in particular, is hugely recommended for expectant mothers. Yoga is an activity which can help stretch out your body and also keep your muscles strong.While yoga is a great physical activity, it has proven benefits if youre feeling depressed or anxious, bringing awareness to your body and the changes which are occurring on a daily basis. You could try looking up yoga tutorials/programmes on YouTube. 

Light Gardening

Gardening is a great activity for everybody and you can still follow your hobby of gardening when you are pregnant or introduce your house and garden to some new plants if its a brand new hobby! A bit of light gardening, indoor or outdoor, is therapeutic activity that helps to keep the mind calm and relaxed. Gardening is a form of exercise so will not only keep you healthy but can also help lift your mood. If youre in the sunshine, just remember to wear cool clothes, take breaks and drink plenty of water! 


Meditation is also another activity which has seen a spike in demand recentlythere are plenty of apps and tutorials online to help you get started. Mediation helps us feel centred, aware and peaceful in our thoughts and this can be really beneficial while pregnant and even after youve had the baby. The emotional and mental stresses of pregnancy and entering into parenthood can be tough on lots of people and taking some time out of your day to meditate can be a real game-changer in how you feel. 


Picnics are fun, not to mention deliciousand they are an activity to do when youre pregnant and even with your baby! Heading out with all your favourite foods not only is a good excuse to get out in the fresh air and have a nice walk but will also make you feel good. You could bring some light games to play, a book to read or simply soak up all nature has to offer! 

Taking time out for yourself

Whether its cooking your favourite meal, starting a new series on Netflix, having a DIY pamper session in the comfort of your own bathroom or catching up over the phone with a friend, doing something for yourself is so important! It can be really easy to forget that while we are carrying and nurturing our baby during pregnancy and beyond, we also need looking after too. Self care can sometimes be the biggest favour we can do for ourselves! 

Connecting with new Mums and Dads

There are so many different online apps and websites available for expectant and new parents. Having like-minded people to talk to is really comforting and connecting with people outside your click of friends and family can actually be really helpfulcombatting loneliness during pregnancy and even after you have had your baby. Look out for antenatal classes, online forums, and parent meet-up apps! 

Rest when you need to 

Its quite normal for us to not want to accept help when its offered and its also quite easy for us to over do it! Accepting help from the people around us will do a lot more good than harm so trysaying yesa little bit more, especially once your baby is here! Getting plenty of rest during pregnancy is really important. If you are well-rested, you will feel a lot better in your day-to-day activities. 

If you are an expectant or new parent and are wanting advice and support emotionally - head to our post where we list lots of different resources which are there to support you and your family. 

Happy World Wellbeing Week 2020!  

Dontforget to stay up to date and follow the hashtag on your socials - 


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